
PSA: Impact Wrestling’s BTI Usually Has a Solid Wrestling Match

Crazzy Steve vs. Fallah Bahh on BTI
Image Credit: @IMPACTWRESTLING on Twitter

Wrestling pre-shows can sometimes be a mixed bag. This is especially true when said pre-show is essentially a blend of talk show and highlight reel. In the hour leading to Impact Wrestling’s weekly show on Thursdays (on AXS TV and YouTube), a one-hour pre-show titled Before the Impact (BTI) airs, recapping the previous week’s happenings. This usually includes edited versions of the biggest matches and storyline segments from the last episode of Impact Wrestling, as well as highlights from pay-per-views and special events.

Overall, BTI is a genuinely serviceable show if you missed out on all the action the week prior. Of course, thanks to DVR, chances are you’ll catch Impact one way or another. That said, BTI is still worth checking out as it usually ends with a fresh match taped specifically for that show. Impact Wrestling attendees get to see this match live as part of a pre-show treat before the main card gets underway, while folks watching at home don’t get to see it on Impact proper.

Josh Alexander vs. TJP Ironman Match on BTI
Image Credit: @IMPACTWRESTLING on Twitter

Even if you don’t care for the analysis from the BTI hosts or the highlights of the previous week’s match-ups, the last 15 to 20 minutes of the show are definitely worth watching. The matches put on during those closing moments feature a range of talent, from upper-mid-carders to established veterans to Impact newcomers. These wrestlers get a nice block of time to shine and show what they’ve got, and it’s usually a lot of fun.

The latest episode of BTI, for example, ended with a good, back-and-forth match between rising star John Skyler and Lucha Libre AAA’s Laredo Kid, who currently holds that company’s Cruiserweight Championship. It was a highly entertaining match, and it was great to see Laredo Kid soar, which is something we’ll hopefully get to see on the main Impact Wrestling show more often in the near future.

Jake Something vs. John Skyler on BTI
Image Credit: @IMPACTWRESTLING on Twitter

Other solid contests on BTI have included Sam Adonis vs. Joseasa, Steve Maclin vs. Suicide, and Fallah Bahh vs. Crazzy Steve. That last one was especially a treat as we got to see both men interact with the crowd and really get the fans in attendance hyped during the match. Not to mention, Rosemary and the rest of Decay were at ringside being their usually spooky selves. It was great!

BTI was also previously used to start a competitive and memorable Ironman Match between X Division Champion Josh Alexander and TJP. The remainder of the match was shown as “in progress” when Impact Wrestling aired on AXS TV, but viewers who were barely tuning in missed some exciting opening moments. As such, only those who watched both BTI and Impact on AXS TV got to see the full match, which ended up being an instant classic.

Wrestling is really exciting these days, and there’s just so much of it that no one can possibly expect to watch it all. Still, if you’re an Impact fan, or if you just want a solid contest to watch while you’re waiting for Impact on AXS TV to air, maybe tune in just about 15 minutes earlier. You’ll usually be treated to a pretty awesome opener that could end up being one of the best matches of the night.

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