
Ryback Hints at Return to Wrestling, Mentions AEW’s Miro


It’s been a while since Ryback set foot in a wrestling ring, but he’s been plenty visible on social media. He’s now teasing a return to professional wrestling, and it seems like he might have his sights set on AEW.

Ryback tweeted, “You’re not the most famous pro wrestler on Tik Tok without a match in 3 years for no reason. Your hero is returning soon and you will cheer me because you believe in my actions. #Hungry”

Ryback took to Twitter once more and specifically mentioned current AEW TNT Champion Miro, saying he would be “seeing him again later.”

It’s worth pointing out that this isn’t the first time Ryback has mentioned AEW and teased a debut for the company. Earlier in the year, he alluded to going to AEW, but nothing ever came of it. Given Ryback’s track record and his constant controversial comments, it could be that he’s just trolling wrestling fans.

Speaking of the fans, it’s hard to tell how positively Ryback would be received if he did show up on AEW. On the one hand, he does have his share of supporters who enjoyed his body of work in WWE as a monster heel. At the same time, though, fans have constantly questioned both his wrestling ability and his safety, as CM Punk was on the receiving end of a legitimate injury at the hands of Ryback.

CM Punk is another factor to keep in mind, as following his departure from WWE in 2014, he was very vocal about his feelings toward Ryback, referring to him as “steroid guy” on Colt Cabana’s podcast and saying that Ryback was an unsafe worker.

Time will tell if Ryback indeed signs with AEW, or if he’s simply trying to gain some eyes on social media.


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